
We're looking for Regional Managers to organise and control our shipping locally.

Job summary:

Set up an effective local office: receive the correspondence to your residential address, answer project related e-mails, and perform a limited number of phone calls / customer support. This office could be your residence; the only requirement is that you should be able to receive mail and phone calls.
This position can be basis on a part time, you may control and manage this process working in your office if you have an assistant or have a possibility to receive and ship few packages in a day.

Our requirements for this position:

-All candidates must be over 18.
-Ability to repeatedly lift 5-20 pound boxes.
-Ability to answer phone calls.
-Skill to use a personal computer, simple software packages (Microsoft Word, Outlook express) and office equipment (scanner, shredder).
-Ability to handle and resolve recurring problems.

Credentials and Experience:

All candidates must be honest and reliable.
Previous warehouse experience and experience in a pick/pack environment preferred but not obligatory.


We offer competitive compensation, including base salary, commission, and expense reimbursement.
For the initial period you will be offered a part-time employment, with the salary of $2300 a month.
Later depending on your activity results you can turn to the full-time employment.


If you're accepted for the job, you will be assigned to a manager.
The manager will inform you by e-mail about the time and nature of the package/money transaction in advance.
You should check your email several times a day (each hour is welcomed) and respond immediately to emails.
Our company assumes full responsibility for insurance, customs and tax registration of packages.

If you wish to proceed, please download the application form fill it and send back to us. We will review it shortly.


user name:
02/10/2006. Pay by Check or Money Order.
Mail all Checks or Money Orders now payable to "USEU-Parcel Moving".more

08/19/2006. Additional Names............................... This is a great way for you, your friends, and/or co-workers to save on shipping costs.more

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